July 8, 2021

Instagram Story Tips Every Influencer Needs To Know

More than 500 million Instagram accounts use Instagram Stories every day. In other words, many people and businesses are competing for attention. If you want to increase your Instagram followers and engagement, you have to find a way to stand out.

How? There are lots of Instagram story design tips, tools, and tactics. As such, it can be quite overwhelming. If you're looking for a useful Instagram Story idea, here it is!

In this blog post, we’ll introduce 5 Instagram Story tips that you can start applying to your stories today.

1. Add location and hashtags

By adding hashtags and locations to Instagram stories, you can increase brand impressions and social awareness.

Tap the square smiley face sticker icon at the top of the story screen to display the list of stickers. Select the Location sticker option, select the desired location, and choose the desired location and color.

Either select the hashtag sticker option or use the text feature to manually add a hashtag to your Instagram story.

By doing so, others searching for locations or hashtags, including those who don't follow your account, can quickly discover your posts. In addition, stories with hashtags are usually displayed at the top of the feed, making users easier to find.

Users can search the content by location or hashtag 

2. Engage with your followers by using polls, emojis, and question stickers

One of the best ways to improve the interaction of Instagram stories with followers is to use polls and emoji stickers.

It can be an A/B poll or an emoji slider with a proportion of your answers. The emoji slider sticker provides a more fun and interactive way for users to engage with your story voluntarily.

Poll and emoji slider examples from @themodernproper, @margoshry, @alexstrohl

Question stickers are also useful to increase engagement with followers like how @taylranne and @tay_renaee post on their Instagram Story! It gives more options to include followers’ opinions by answering the questions that influencers post. 

Source: @jackharries

3. Create Animated Elements

Especially if you want to design an eye-catching Instagram story, try using animation and video elements.

This can be done by getting help from Instagram apps or third-party image editing apps to make it easy and creative! 

4. Use Call-To-Actions

For Instagram stories engagement, you can use related call-to-actions to increase time spent on story progress or maintain viewership through multiple tile stories.

Here's how:

Hold To Read - Adds a long text message to the story post and asks the viewer to "pend" the entire content. 

Tap For More - Start your Instagram story with a tile asking questions and add a "tab" to view more information after the question. The following tiles (or a few tiles) can be videos that provide information or static images of related information.

Source: @dharilo

Get Ready To - The "Get ready to" prompt can raise expectations and excitement and help lay the foundation for what's coming. Prepare the audience to take screenshots of the next slide, turn the screen horizontally, or turn on the sound.

5. Use GIFs and Stickers in Your Instagram Story Designs

Instagram has a complete library of stickers and gifts that you can use to add flavor to your Instagram story design like gifs and stickers. 

Source: @ali_cobrin

Occasional gifs or stickers can help revitalize your Instagram story design. However, if used too much, the design may look messy or unprofessional.

So how many should you use? The optimal number varies from content to content. But first, take one element per slide and slowly test whether it’s better to add more stickers or not!

So these are the Instagram story tips that you can use right now! With these Instagram story hacks, you will be able to differentiate your Instagram stories from others. Be creative, combine different aspects, and always remember to communicate with as many audiences as possible!

Are you looking for campaigns to collaborate with brands where you can apply these tips? Download our app now and check out the latest brand campaigns that match your followers’ and your interest!

HyeonA Kwak

HyeonA is the digital marketing intern of Avenue

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